Twice in a row not once in a year
Okay my determination to start something new is stronger than my desire to put something off. I have posted two days in a row. Warning Amanda you may not believe this is possible. Please be careful reading this.
Life is interesting I am on the eve or not of having a child... a little girl. Every day is the potential first day I will hold her. I am eagerly awaiting that moment. It is an understatement to say my wife feels the same. With holidays coming and special events here at Life Church, there are many things to be excited about but I can't get my mind off of the blessing it will be to have a baby. God is stirring the waters at Life Church and new things are coming and I believe growth is inevitable. So I encourage everyone to step up to a new level in your walk with Christ and expect great things. Probably a little more spiritually challenging than what will be seen here regularly but it is one of those times. I still plan to end with a deep thought which is seldom spiritual at all. Look here I go.
Deep Thought: If a fictional writer takes two years to write a book and is consumed with everything in it will they loose touch with reality and truth?
hey look, i jumped on the bandwagon!
11:59 AM
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