I am more than a denominational follower, more than a religous fanatic, more than a man in need of a crutch, I am a disciple of Christ.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Skipped a day for Amanda's bruises

Well it is Saturday night and I am ironing clothes for church and setting out jeans for the hospital. I also just won the Western Conference title in NHL 06. Go Ducks!

My parents were in this weekend and I was glad to get to see them as well as go and help shop for my brother's house warming gifts. I am very excited for Travis. Things seem to be going good for many around me. I enjoy that because I tend to carry a good bit of other's stress. I want good things for them. Anyway today or two weeks from now I could have a baby. That makes for interesting moments. Any time Jess calls me I think it is time. Anytime I call someone else they think it is time. I feel like the boy crying wolf but I have to be able to call people.

Deep Thought: Four cows walk into a bar... and it's not a joke... is that possible? I mean that has to be a joke right?


Blogger maze said...

I appreciate the healing time. Today I felt much more prepared.

P.S.Laying out jeans for the hospital?

There are many many things about that statement that make me curious.
And nervous.

12:18 AM

Blogger Joben said...

Preparing for Church Preparing for a trip to the hospital. It is a toss up I could go either way

2:08 PM

Blogger Into The Uncharted said...

hopefully the hospital. that's my vote

8:26 PM


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